Friday 11 April 2014

Reflective Post!

My theme Urban Tourism has been interlinked with many of my course colleagues' blogs such as 'The Art of Urban' by Denique Sammy, 'Trini urban Insomnia' by Surya Khudan and 'The Urban Cultural Dimension' by C. A Maloney.

Urban Toursim was made up of different components of Art, Recreation/ Nightlife and Urban Culture. Tourism in the city was reflective of Urban Art such as Grafitti, Urban Nightlife and recreation and urban culture. These other themes captured the essence of Urban Tourism as D. Sammy spoke about Art being 'evolutionary' and representative of many urban issues such as Politics. She stressed on these Urban art pieces being reflective of one self and culture of the city, a topic that i also linked Urban Tourism too.

The Blog 'Urban Cultural Dimension' emphasized on the cultural aspect of tourism in which culture in the city was used to promote urban tourism. Similar blogs such as the post on the Church indicated that there was a link between our themes as culture is part of tourism in the urban city of Port of Spain. C. A Maloney focused on both the physical and social aspect of the city while i emphasized more on the physical structures and architecture in addition to the culture.

Lastly, 'Trini Urban Insomnia' further explored recreation in the city where S. Khudan looked at the Night life of Port of Spain, an area where i was a bit skeptical of exploring. Her blog focused more on the night time recreation of the city which is also very significant to Urban Tourism as many tourists in the city look for recreation not only during the day but the night time.

These 3 blogs did show a relationship with my core theme of Urban Tourism as their posts were sub components as they further explored each component of art, recreation/ nightlife and culture.

For a proper sequence of my blog please read my posts in the order in which they were posted! Thank you!

Entertainment in the city!

                                                          Movie Towne Port of Spain

The above photo shows a multi-million dollar cinema complex built in the urban city to accommodate the recreational needs of the people and tourists of urban area. Movie Towne is well known for its entertainment and complex shopping areas and has a major role to play in the lives of many who look forward to watching a movie, getting something to eat or shopping for an item.

This photo shows the many cars that are parked outside which indicates that it is something people in the city of Port of Spain do look forward to. This photo also depicts night life of the urban area when the tourists are looking for night time recreation and activities. Although this structure is not built near the Central Business District of the city, it still manages to attract people from not only the urban areas but people from the outskirts of Port of Spain and beyond.

Currently, we have reached the 'Creative Age'  where leisure and recreation is changing and people are now working in new ventures such as the creative industries (Florida 2002). Therefore, places such as these bring in economic value to a city as it caters for both foreigners and tourists. Located next to Movie towne is the Marriott Hotel and this itself indicates that Movie Towne caters for Marriott's guests contributing to the idea of Urban Tourism.

Florida R. 2002. The Rise of the Creative Class and How it's Transforming Work, Leisure and Everyday                  Life. New York: Basic Books. 

Artwork in the City!

                                     Beautifying the city!- Paintings along Wrightson Road, POS

While driving along Wrightson Road in Port of Spain, these master pieces caught my attention immediately. The paintings placed along the road in the urban city definitely mirrors the diverse culture of the country in addition to showcasing the talent of the youths in the country.

The paintings which displays one of  the themes of preserving the environment can very much be associated with caring for the city and the environment around us. These paintings are not only an attraction but they promote sustainability in the city and being environmentally conscious about our surroundings (Hall 2012).

Art in the city of Port of Spain represents the people of the country, the culture and the way of life for many. It reflects the image of the city and can portray both positive and negative aspects of it. An example of this is artwork such as these which portray both positive and negative. This is seen in some of the art pieces which shows the environmental issues that are presently occurring and some show the cultural and positive aspects of the people. Artwork can also convey issues based on power and politics and this is where graffiti usually comes to play where art in the city can turn into a scenario of vandalism.

Hall,T. 2012. Urban Geography 4th Edition. New York: Routledge.

Rees, E. William. 1992. “Ecological Footprints and appropriated Carrying Capacity: What Urban    
Economics Leaves Out.” Environment and Urbanization 4, 2. 

The Museum!- Traditional Tourism

The National Museum and Art Gallery!

The photo shows the outside structure of the museum of Trinidad and Tobago that was taken on an urban geography field trip to the city.
A museum is symbolic of integrating culture within a city as it portrays the heritage of a city and its people (Hall 2012). In more developed countries in the Global North, Museums are a major attraction in the city as it usually stores the rich heritage and history of the country and its people. In Trinidad however, museums are not considered popular tourist attractions for foreigners as they are more intrigued by the sun sand and sea. However, tourists that are interested in the heritage and culture of the country will visit to learn more about the country and Port of Spain in particular. Major cities around the globe are known to have these museums and are the homes to these cultural attractions.

The National Museum, originally established as the Royal Victoria Institute was originally built to display the culture of Trinidad and Tobago and was built in commemoration of Queen Victoria. The Museum is representative of the architecture in the early 1900’s and culture of the city during Colonial times. Therefore, the Museum is rich with culture and artefacts that would be informative to both locals and foreigners and is traditional to many cities around the world. This structure has played a major role in relating  heritage and culture of the twin island to others and being an iconic feature of the urban city.
For more information on the National Museum you can visit:

Hall,T. 2012. Urban Geography 4th Edition. New York: Routledge.

The National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago. Accessed April 8, 2014.

More recreation in the City- Green Spaces!

The Botanical Gardens

In the photo, a group of women are seen strolling in the botanical gardens enjoying the serenity of the environment in this urban area of Port of Spain. In this case, urbanization did not only result in the construction and expansion of businesses and workplaces but the creation of green spaces within the city. Bordering the Queen’s Park Savannah, lies the Emperor Valley Zoo and the Botanical Gardens where many go to have leisure in the city.

In the photo, the lush vegetation and trees does indeed give the idea of a ‘green space’ and the concept of ‘greening the city’. The trees and plants grown here play an important role in “moderating the impacts of human activities” (Haughton and Hunter 1994, 118). The Botanical gardens represent a planned type of green space as this was part of the city plan and did not happen naturally as many of the greenery were put there. However, these planned spaces can be condemned as some theorists see this as a way of suppressing plant diversity and not letting nature happens on its own (Hough 1995). Nevertheless, I see the botanical gardens as a valued green space in the city that should remain as it is as still provides a green, peaceful atmosphere in which one can go and enjoy the hassle free environment. This has contributed to Urban Tourism positively as many tourists both local and foreign can visit and see a diverse amount of tree species that gives aesthetic value to the city. This is indeed an asset to city planning as it provides hassle free zone in the urban area where the trees can provide a peaceful environment and also take away from the negative impacts of urbanization as the trees provide ecosystem services for the city. 

For more information on green spaces you can visit:


Hall,T. 2012. Urban Geography 4th Edition. New York: Routledge.

Haughton, G and Hunter, C. 1994. Sustainable Cities. London: Regional Studies Association. 

Hough, M. 1995. Cities and Natural processes. London: Routledge.

Hotels in the City!

Hotels in the City!
Hotels functions as one of the main components of urban tourism. Without these where would the tourists stay? Hotels provide accommodation for both leisure and business tourists. However, in the city there will more likely be the influx of many co-operate tourists entering the city to conduct business. In this image is one of Port of Spain’s largest hotels, the Hyatt Regency. As one can see, this is one high rise modern structure with contemporary design and architecture, a feature that makes it unique to the city and Urban Tourism!

The architecture of these hotels as well as other businesses and offices in the city can be seen as a good reflection of a country’s economy. The architecture and structure of these buildings indicate the state of the economy as many modernized and newly renovated/built structures indicate a healthy and striving economy (Hall 2012). In comparison to the buildings that were constructed in P.O.S in the early 1900’s, the design and architecture have changed significantly in terms of materials and workmanship.

In the photo, glass was seen to be the prominent material used in constructing the hotel and so has a very modernised ‘urban’ look to it. When P.O.S was now being developed, the main material used was timber to the current use of steel, glass and concrete. With the city being greatly affected by the globalization movement, architecture is ‘used as a tool for economic development within the city’ (Harvey 1989).

Here is a link to view more Urban designed  Hotels in the U.S.A


Hall,T. 2012. Urban Geography 4th Edition. New York: Routledge.

Harvey, D. 1989. The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change.                          Blackwell: Oxford