Friday 11 April 2014

Reflective Post!

My theme Urban Tourism has been interlinked with many of my course colleagues' blogs such as 'The Art of Urban' by Denique Sammy, 'Trini urban Insomnia' by Surya Khudan and 'The Urban Cultural Dimension' by C. A Maloney.

Urban Toursim was made up of different components of Art, Recreation/ Nightlife and Urban Culture. Tourism in the city was reflective of Urban Art such as Grafitti, Urban Nightlife and recreation and urban culture. These other themes captured the essence of Urban Tourism as D. Sammy spoke about Art being 'evolutionary' and representative of many urban issues such as Politics. She stressed on these Urban art pieces being reflective of one self and culture of the city, a topic that i also linked Urban Tourism too.

The Blog 'Urban Cultural Dimension' emphasized on the cultural aspect of tourism in which culture in the city was used to promote urban tourism. Similar blogs such as the post on the Church indicated that there was a link between our themes as culture is part of tourism in the urban city of Port of Spain. C. A Maloney focused on both the physical and social aspect of the city while i emphasized more on the physical structures and architecture in addition to the culture.

Lastly, 'Trini Urban Insomnia' further explored recreation in the city where S. Khudan looked at the Night life of Port of Spain, an area where i was a bit skeptical of exploring. Her blog focused more on the night time recreation of the city which is also very significant to Urban Tourism as many tourists in the city look for recreation not only during the day but the night time.

These 3 blogs did show a relationship with my core theme of Urban Tourism as their posts were sub components as they further explored each component of art, recreation/ nightlife and culture.

For a proper sequence of my blog please read my posts in the order in which they were posted! Thank you!

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