Friday 11 April 2014

Artwork in the City!

                                     Beautifying the city!- Paintings along Wrightson Road, POS

While driving along Wrightson Road in Port of Spain, these master pieces caught my attention immediately. The paintings placed along the road in the urban city definitely mirrors the diverse culture of the country in addition to showcasing the talent of the youths in the country.

The paintings which displays one of  the themes of preserving the environment can very much be associated with caring for the city and the environment around us. These paintings are not only an attraction but they promote sustainability in the city and being environmentally conscious about our surroundings (Hall 2012).

Art in the city of Port of Spain represents the people of the country, the culture and the way of life for many. It reflects the image of the city and can portray both positive and negative aspects of it. An example of this is artwork such as these which portray both positive and negative. This is seen in some of the art pieces which shows the environmental issues that are presently occurring and some show the cultural and positive aspects of the people. Artwork can also convey issues based on power and politics and this is where graffiti usually comes to play where art in the city can turn into a scenario of vandalism.

Hall,T. 2012. Urban Geography 4th Edition. New York: Routledge.

Rees, E. William. 1992. “Ecological Footprints and appropriated Carrying Capacity: What Urban    
Economics Leaves Out.” Environment and Urbanization 4, 2. 

1 comment:

  1. :) loveee this pic! It definitely shows the culture of Trinidad and Tobago.
