Friday 11 April 2014

Hotels in the City!

Hotels in the City!
Hotels functions as one of the main components of urban tourism. Without these where would the tourists stay? Hotels provide accommodation for both leisure and business tourists. However, in the city there will more likely be the influx of many co-operate tourists entering the city to conduct business. In this image is one of Port of Spain’s largest hotels, the Hyatt Regency. As one can see, this is one high rise modern structure with contemporary design and architecture, a feature that makes it unique to the city and Urban Tourism!

The architecture of these hotels as well as other businesses and offices in the city can be seen as a good reflection of a country’s economy. The architecture and structure of these buildings indicate the state of the economy as many modernized and newly renovated/built structures indicate a healthy and striving economy (Hall 2012). In comparison to the buildings that were constructed in P.O.S in the early 1900’s, the design and architecture have changed significantly in terms of materials and workmanship.

In the photo, glass was seen to be the prominent material used in constructing the hotel and so has a very modernised ‘urban’ look to it. When P.O.S was now being developed, the main material used was timber to the current use of steel, glass and concrete. With the city being greatly affected by the globalization movement, architecture is ‘used as a tool for economic development within the city’ (Harvey 1989).

Here is a link to view more Urban designed  Hotels in the U.S.A


Hall,T. 2012. Urban Geography 4th Edition. New York: Routledge.

Harvey, D. 1989. The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change.                          Blackwell: Oxford

1 comment:

  1. Tourism is indeed a major contributor to the economy of Trinidad and most other Caribbean countries.
